Archive for the ‘Korea DMZ’ Category

Peace Doors on The High Line, New York City

February 25, 2011

We have begun placing each of the Peace Doors along The High Line on Manhattan’s West Side in New York City, and will continue to do so as we complete them.

Whether the public is aware of it or not, they will be passing through the doors as they walk along The High Line.

Peace Doors: DMZ

February 6, 2011

The Military Demarcation Line (MDL), sometimes referred to as the Armistice Line, is the land border or demarcation line between North Korea and South Korea. On either side of the line is the Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ). The MDL and DMZ were established by the Armistice at the end of Korean War in 1953.

DMZ Peace Door model in development environment.

Modeled after traditional Korean architecture, this Peace Door includes augmentations along the DMZ.

Here is a visualization of the DMZ Korea Peace Door at the Bridge of No Return. The bridge was used for prisoner exchanges at the end of the war. The name originates from the claim that many war prisoners captured by the United States did not wish to return home. The prisoners were brought to the bridge and given the choice to remain in the country of their captivity or cross over to the other country. But if they chose to cross the bridge, they would never be allowed to return.